Monday, August 13, 2012

Aaaaaah - vacation reading time

I am off traveling for the last few weeks of summer break, and one of the things I love most about my long weeks of travel is the time I have to read. Today I spent half the day reading, and it was fabulous! The book I've been reading is one I think middle school students would love. It's called The Elephant Whisperer by Lawrence Anthony. He's not the best writer ever, and in fact he even had a co-author, but his stories of the game reserve he runs in South Africa were fascinating and fun to read, so I didn't care so much about the writing itself. There's kind of a wait on this book at the Multnomah County library, but they do have it. If you're an animal lover - of elephants or any other type - I recommend you give this book a go! Enjoy the last few weeks of summer, and be sure to get your summer reading done, too. There are all kinds of things to discover in a book!

Friday, August 3, 2012

How is summer reading coming along?

Well, it's about one month to go until your SIZZLING SUMMER READING should be finished and your assignment ready to turn in.  How's that coming?  Hopefully you finished your two books long ago and have read several more in the meantime. But in case you're a little behind on that, now would be the time to step up your game and get ready, get set, get reading!

In case you've forgotten what your school requires, click HERE to find all the guidelines.

If you've accidentally lost your assignment, you can click HERE to get a new one.

Your teachers are counting on your to have done some reading and completed that assignment when you get back, so please be sure to be ready.


Why do we even have to read during the summer?  
Reason 1: Kids who don't read during summer lose skills.  

Reason 2: When everyone does something together, it creates community.
Reason 3: Reading is fun and a life-long skill.